Brian Carter on Retargeting and Other Digital Marketing Secrets

Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 108 & 109)  To listen to Brian’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.  To watch a little bit of Brian’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Brian about: How to find the right keywords Humor in digital marketing How to “kill two birds with one stone” when it comes to retargeting and email opt-ins How to prevent running out of ideas for your

Drew Canole Shares His Strategies On Creating a Fit Life and Business

Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 106 & 107)  To listen to Drew’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.  To watch a little bit of Drew’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Drew about: How he built a 7 figure business in less than a year How to get the motivation to bring transformation about in your business and in your life The criteria he used with new clients to facilitate fast growth How he started his current business based on documenting the results of his early clients while working with them How to build a team that will further your

Neil Patel on Generating Traffic and Building Relationships to Close Big Deals

Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episode 104 & 105)  To listen to Neil’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.  To watch a little bit of Neil’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Neil about: How he went from selling car parts to making $20,000 / month while in high school Why he started KISSmetrics What do you need to track – what are your non-vanity metrics Metrics to track for e-commerce businesses How he’s able to help other businesses grow at will Three tactics he uses to close BIG deals How he turns the table to get his prospects to pitch *him* How to create an emotional bond with your

Joel Comm On PR and Social Media Marketing

(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episode 102 & 103)  To listen to Joel’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.  To watch a little bit of Joel’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Joel about: How he created an iPhone app that went to no. 1 in the world The role of trendsetting when developing tech products How he used press releases to get his iPhone app to #1 How to maximize the results you get from your press releases How to stay ahead of the curve when you’re

Mark Anthony Bates on Positioning and Connecting with Others

(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episode 100 & 101)  To listen to Mark Anthony’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.  To watch a little bit of Mark Anthony’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Mark Anthony about: Personal brand vs creating a brand for your company itself How to sell your business if it was built around you as a personal brand What to consider in your exit strategy when you’re building your

Ian Greenleigh Shares His Strategies Connecting with Influencers via the Side Door Of Social Media

(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episode 98 & 99)  To listen to Ian’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.  To watch a little bit of Ian’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Ian about: How he got a job as a social media manager because of his FaceBook ads and blogging strategies How to bypass gatekeepers when reaching out to decision makers with your marketing What you should do to complement your ad campaigns for the best chance of success How to get the attention of and engage with real influencers How to map your way on social media to

Peggy McColl Tells Her Bestseller Insider Secrets

(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episode 96 & 97)  To listen to Peggy’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.  To watch a little bit of Peggy’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Peggy about: The three things you must have in place to write a bestselling book How long it takes to write a quality piece When you should start marketing your book during the writing process What are sales figures for bestsellers of your book Amazon’s book bestseller category system Barnes & Noble vs Amazon in terms of competition when launching a new book How the New York Times bestseller book list criteria is calculated What it really means when you are a

Kim Garst Talks Social Media – Boom!

(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episode 94 & 95)  To listen to Kim’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.  To watch a little bit of Kim’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Kim about: She went from not knowing how to cut & paste to social media maven with  218,000+ followers What is the number one thing all businesses should use social media for How to make sure you don’t get distracted with friends when working on your business using

Chris Ducker on How to Become *Much* More Productive

(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episode 93)  To listen to Chris’ interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.  To watch a little bit of Chris’ interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Chris about: How can brick & mortar businesses use VAs The biggest mistakes business owners make when working with virtual assistants Chris Ducker talks about what’s missing from the Four Hour Workweek What it really takes to lighten your work load as an entrepreneur How to dramatically reduce the time you spend in

Jeff Moore on Dealing with Large Corporations

(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episodes 92)  To listen to Jeff’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.  To watch a little bit of Jeff’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Jeff about: What it takes to be dealing with giants when you’re mid-size business What payment terms you need to consider when fulfilling large orders The biggest misconception about getting a multi-billion dollar company to buy your