Dan Sherman Shares His Best Tips for LinkedIn Success
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episodes 36 & 37) To listen to Dan’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. In this interview, we talked with Dan about: How to use LinkedIn groups to position yourself as an expert How to name your LinkedIn group the right way to optimize your lead gen and networking success How to capture leads from LinkedIn even if you’re not allowed to promote in a group What mindset we need to be able to directly reach out to prospects on LinkedIn How to optimize your LinkedIn profile as a business owner Make your LinkedIn profile rich with multimedia to generate more interest How to systematize your use of LinkedIn so you’re not overwhelmed keeping up with the 50 groups you joined How to incorporate LinkedIn in our marketing strategy The case study of a realtor that sold 24 houses from one customer she met on LinkedIn The LinkedIn strategy to grow your network by leaps and bounds How to avoid being labeled as as spammer when contacting people you don’t know on LinkedIn Book recommendations from Dan Sherman (affiliate*): Maximum Success with LinkedIn (Dan Sherman) Dan Sherman’s Bio: “I am the McGraw Hill author of Maximum Success with LinkedIn – a guide to the world’s largest professional networking site.The book combines my seven years’ experience on the site with over 20 years as a marketing executive.What makes my book is unique is that as a former marketing executive I focus on how people can use LinkedIn to do marketing: of themselves, their ideas, and their personal brand.I show readers how to achieve results fast.” To learn more about Dan, go to: http:/linkedsuccess.com
Esther on the Top Seven Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episode 35) To listen to Esther’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch Esther’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. In this interview, we talked about: How to keep pinging, how to make sure you’re ALWAYS growing your network How to attract the best / highest quality attendees possible to the events you’re hosting Our go-to reference books for writing good sales copy and marketing pieces in general that are not only persuasive on a logical level but also connect with the audience emotionally Esther’s “secret weapon” that helps her talk with strangers (it goes beyond ice breakers and really lets you get to know just about anyone and everyone in an incredibly short period of time) What it really takes to literally get more opportunities than others who normally would have the same circumstances and same chances as you “THE” book about Influence – all about the psychology of persuasion Book recommendations from Esther Kiss (affiliate*): Never Eat Alone (Keith Ferrazzi) Words that Sell (Richard Bayan) Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus (Barbara Ann Kipfer, Ph.D.) The Emotional Thesaurus 4,000 Questions for Getting to Know Anyone and Everyone (Barbara Ann Kipfer) The Luck Factor: The Four Essential Principles (Richard Wiseman) Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Robert Cialdini) BONUS: The original article that inspired this episode (and three more books!) http://estherkiss.com/the-top-ten-books-all-entrepreneurs-should-read/
Clay Collins Leads the Way to More Conversions with his Amazing LeadPages
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episode 34) To listen to Clay’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch Clay’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. In this interview, we talked with Clay about: Why most people fail in business What made the biggest difference for LeadPages to make their initial launch a success What he did to “get inside the minds” of people in his market What phrase no longer works for opt-in call to action (CTA) and what does What phrase got a 100% increase on “laughing soon” pages The psychology behind getting people to make a decision when opting in to your mailing list and how you can use it to grow your business The one adjustment you can make to your YouTube videos to increase the opt-ins to your email list How to use other people’s video content from YouTube to grow your own email list (and make more sales) Resources mentioned in this episode (affiliate*): LeadPages for high-performing conversion pages LeadPlayer for growing your list and sales with YouTube videos (your own as well as others’ content) Clay Collins’ Bio: “Clay Collins is compelled by a vision to provide simple and beautiful software that allows entrepreneurs to attract an audience, build their list, and generate revenue. And he’s determined to fulfill this vision with integrity and in a way that serves LeadPages customers to the highest degree possible. Clay left home at age 15 to start his first software company and (excluding his college years) has been a hard-core entrepreneur ever since. He has been behind the scenes (advising and writing copy) for some of the highest grossing information marketing campaigns on the internet. Clay knows firsthand that software for marketers is generally poor in quality. And he’s happy that LeadPages is changing that by creating insanely useful–but technologically sound–tools that work almost instantly and make life easier.” To learn more about Clay, go to: http://www.clay-collins.com/blog/about-clay-collins-my-story/
Dennis Rosenberg on How to Properly Use PPC ads
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episodes 32 & 33) To listen to Dennis’ interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch Dennis’ interview on VIDEO, click HERE. In this interview, we talked with Dennis about: Dennis’ journey from a boutique ad agency in NY to specializing in paid online advertising Dennis debunks the myth of “free” online advertising through visibility What’s better for sales: branding or direct response advertising The key elements of setting up a PPC campaign so that it yields measurable and profitable results How to build an email sequence that gets good opens The key questions to ask yourself when setting up the framework for your marketing message How to “keep the conversation going” once they clicked on your ad – what to say on the landing page, etc Dennis Rosenberg’s Bio: “Dennis Rosenberg is a senior level executive with over 25 years marketing, sales and computer experience. Online since 1998, he has focused extensively on medical internet marketing since 2007. Previously Dennis served for three years as VP, Marketing at Bacchus Vascular, Inc., a privately-held medical device company, which was acquired by Covidien in March, 2009. Subsequent to the acquisition, he served on the Covidien transition team for 15 months. Prior to that, Dennis spent three years as VP, Marketing and International Sales at VNUS Medical Technologies, Inc., a previously publicly-held medical device company (formerly NASDAQ: VNUS) which was also acquired by Covidien in 2009. Previously Dennis was co-founder and VP, Marketing & Sales, for three medical device start-up companies: Eclipse Surgical Technologies (IPO in 1996 at a valuation of $300M), MD DataDirect (acquired) and Atlantis Catheter Company (acquired). Dennis’ consumer marketing experience includes roles as a VP of the software distribution division of Random House, at that time the world’s largest information publisher, and Art Director at a boutique New York City advertising agency, Serino & Coyne. Dennis has a degree in computer programming from New York University, where he also studied at the School of Film and Television.” To learn more about Dennis, go to: http://dennisrosenberg.com
James Roche on Marketing and Building a Business You Love
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episode 30 & 31) To listen to James’ interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of James’ interview on VIDEO, click HERE. 🙂 In this interview, we talked with James about: What differentiates between infoproducts that sell and that don’t The difference between passive income and leveraged income Why authenticity is offer not only in who you are but in what you offer in your business as well What does it take to get to a 7 figure business What does it take to get from 10 k a month to mid six figures The difference between being an introvert and being shy the formula for building your tribe online Get James’ help with designing your own lifestyle business: http://www.rochemarketing.com/start/ James Roche’s Bio: “James Roché is respected around the world as a master business and marketing mentor. He is the worlds leading expert on helping service-based entrepreneurs create $250,000 – $1,000,000 businesses working less than 20 hours a week with only one part-time assistant. Since 2004 James has helped thousands of business owners around the world design a freedom-based lifestyle so they experience financial freedom, freedom of time, freedom from staff, and freedom to live and travel anywhere in the world. Since 2009 James Roché has also been the head coach for Ali Brown’s yearlong Elevate program. He has also been the Creative Strategist and Creative Director for Evolving Wisdom, a 6 million dollar education and personal growth company.” To learn more about James and get his free special report “3 Success Strategies”, go to: http://www.rochemarketing.com.
Esther and Mette on Support and Community in Your Business
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episodes 28 & 29) To listen to Esther & Mette’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch Esther & Mette’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. In this interview, we talked about: How to choose what groups to join that will actually really support you What to consider when choosing a mentor How to make a peer to peer relationship work and how to avoid getting into a power struggle in peer to peer relationships Why is it easier to make friends in the online marketing world then in the “real world” How to deal with friends and family when they don’t quite “get” your business What to keep in mind when leading a mastermind What we can learn from our pets re getting our creativity back How to get off the cycle of always just looking for the next challenge without recognizing your results How to avoid the syndrome called “supernova burnout
Todd Brown on Marketing and Sales Funnel Automation
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episodes 26 & 27) To listen to Todd’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Todd’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. In this interview, we talked with Todd about: Where the biggest breakthroughs come from in any market What drove him to work at nights, on the weekends etc for a full year when he started his first business while working as a VP at his high paying job The state of the info marketing world today – from the man that started in 2002 What we need to have in place to get the best results in terms of conversion Step-by-step walk through with an example how to evolve the mktg message so it matches your market’s sophistication What are the key elements of a good marketing funnel How to use education based marketing that has your prospect at the edge of their seat waiting to hear about your offer Book recommendations from Todd Brown (affiliate*): Breakthrough Advertising (Eugene Schwartz) Todd Brown’s Bio: “Todd Brown has been knee-deep in the direct response marketing world for over a decade. His illustrious entrepreneurial journey began with him taking multiple markets by storm. He was the brains behind the enormous launch of the first patent-pending multi-media marketing system for chiropractic physicians. He sky-rocketed one of his companies to the position of “#1 largest provider of marketing and business-growth training for bodywork professionals”. And, he’s co-orchestrated multiple six-figure internal launches within the internet marketing community. Todd was formerly partners with Rich Scheffren at Strategic Profits, where he single-handedly created and launched over 15 profitable front-end marketing funnels, co-created the wildly successful Founders Club, and wrote a single sales letter that brought in almost $750,000.00 from just the internal SP house list. When Todd wasn’t busy growing his own companies, or those of his clients’, he was presenting his marketing ideas and methodologies on the same stage with best-selling authors like: Brian Tracy, Michael Gerber, and many others, including as a faculty member for Jeff Walker at his original $10,000.00 per person Product Launch Manager Training. Today, Todd is recognized as the foremost authority on engineering wildly profitable marketing funnels that produce leads and customers often at triple to quadruple the average value experienced by competitors.” To learn more about Todd, go to: http://marketingfunnelautomation.com/author/todd
Mette Muller on Managing Your Energy for Sustainable Business Success
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episodes 22 & 23) To listen to Mette’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. In this interview, we talked with Mette about: What is the natural fluctuation of energy when starting new projects and how much is too much Mette shared her story of her burnout 3 years ago Rejuvenation tips: what to do so you can turn your mind off of thinking about your biz How to structure our marketing so it’s not dependent on activities that deplete your adrenals When it is really time to get truly creative and take fun risks How to look at your team to get the most amount of productvity and movement for your next phase of growth in your business How to structure your time to ensure a healthy pattern of breaks vs work periods What to do to catch the warning signs of an upcoming burnout and how to prevent it The most key thing we need to look at when starting new strategies and projects Mette recommends: Pomodoro (productivity timer app)
Jeff Moore is Wild About Seafood and Marketing, especially on Thursdays in the Boardroom
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episodes 20 & 21) To listen to Jeff’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Jeff’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Jeff about: The five questions he asks his customers that helped him save his customers 3.5 M dollars over the last 6 years – and these work for ANY business His MasterMind, the Thursday Night Boardroom that started with 4 people and now regularly hosts as many as 40+ entreprenerurs with highly successful businesses How he helped a client raise 5 M in a 50 minute conversation His formula how to break the ice with a customer that walks into a brick and mortar The formula for presentations / webinars etc His practice on how to put together a team that is productive and really performs Jeff Moore’s Bio: President of International Pacific Seafoods, Inc. – A Specialty Importer, Customer Processor and Trader of Premium Quality, Chef Ready Frozen Seafood to the Foodservice and Retail segments. Primarily Foodservice driven. Trusted advisor to Foodservice Distributors, Multi-Unit Chain Restaurants and various industry professionals from established enterprises outside of the food industry. Known for short turn sales cycles, high conversions, value based quantifiable business solutions, team building and World Class lifelong customer and supplier relationships. Experienced leader, coach and speaker. Creator of multilayer strategic initiatives involving suppliers and customers in tandem that share a common language called ValYOU. President of Wild Things Seafood – A direct to consumer business that provides Premium Quality, Chef Ready Seafood, Beef, Pork, Lamb, veal and Poultry via Online and Warehouse Sales. Passionate about marketing, providing actionable solutions, value creation and developing world class relationships and extraordinary performers. Founder of a Business, Marketing and Life Style Mastermind Group called Thursday Night Boardroom with over 200 members in 17 different countries from dozens of industries. Big Game Tracker, Professional Treasure Hunter, Featured Storyteller, Passionate Coach, Teacher and Lifelong Learner. I believe all businesses have the same overriding purpose… To drive new, increased and/or more profitable consumption of their product, service or message. This means we all share a common core language and goal. When we work together using this premise, a mutually beneficial relationship occurs. These are the relationships that transform businesses and lives into world class extraordinary performing partnerships. I live my life by one motto… Learn to Teach, Teach to Know, Know and Share and Share with PASSION! To learn more about Jeff, go to: http://internationalpacific.com
Jim Kukral’s Attention is on Authenticity
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episodes 18 & 19) To listen to Jim’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Jim’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. In this interview, we talked with Jim about: What does a “lifestyle business” REALLY mean How to get attention (and reactions) the right way What changed in Internet Marketing over the last 17 years The future of content marketing How to get started with writing a book The biggest mistakes he made in his business – why, what and what he should have done instead Book recommendations from Jim Kukral (affiliate*): Attention! (Jim Kukral) SPECIAL BONUS for you, Influencer: Source: http://www.jimkukral.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/13-reasons-infographic1.jpg Jim Kukral’s Bio: Jim Kukral is a 16-year Internet marketing professional who was recently named by Dun & Bradstreet as one of “The Most Influential Small Business People on Twitter.” Jim also serves as a Program Faculty Member for the University of San Francisco’s Internet Marketing Program where he teaches classes to students around the globe on the topics of Internet marketing, entrepreneurship and social media. In addition, SmallBizTrends.com chose Jim as one of 100 top small business influencers online. To learn more about Jim, go to: http://www.jimkukral.com