Stop Hiding!

So funny how sometimes we can fool ourselves into thinking that we’ve run out of ideas. That there’s nothing more to say. That you gave so much through your daily messaging, that now it’s repetitive, that people will get bored, and you even start questioning your own value, thinking you have nothing to say. That you’re a messenger without a message. And it’s so frustrating! Feeling like everyone else is doing better than you they’re more consistent, they’re ahead of you in the game… Come play with me for a second – what would happen if you ALLOWED YOURSELF to just keep showing up? And when you’re starting at a blank page, just ask yourself What do people need to hear today? And simply start typing, without judgement, without blocking the flow, without breaking the speed. You can always edit it later. Just get started and you’ll get into it, and the flow will find you, I promise you that. The real trick though is when you get over your “writer’s block”, when you finally wrote it up, YOU MUST SHARE, you must post what your message was that day. I’ve been a closet writer for some time! I’d get the inspiration to write and then after one article was done, I’d just *feel* like writing another one right away, you know? (Told you, flow will find you!) And then – get this! I wouldn’t share it with anyone. It’d just rot away in the digital clutter somewhere several folders deep on my computer. I know you can hear me… I know you have plenty of ideas, some are even executed, some of that content has been already created but then don’t share it with the world – and not because you’re a perfectionist, but because God forbid, they should find out what you *actually* think! That you have real opinions, and that you stand for something! Now I know, you don’t want to be deliberately controversial, and you want to be heard so you don’t want to alienate anyone. But the thing is, those who truly resonate with you WON’T BE ABLE TO SEE YOU when you’re hiding behind simple how-to articles and vanilla flavored niceties. Showing up doesn’t just mean doing the work. Showing up means SHARING YOUR TRUE THOUGHTS, letting people see you -even if it means you’re a bit vulnerable and some won’t like you – so what? Commit to letting your message be heard as it is meant to be, as you dream of doing *some day*. How about starting today? Just make a decision that you’ll say at is it really is. It’s actually EASIER than putting up a facade and greying out your true colors. Think how many “smart” articles you skimmed through, perhaps even implemented some of what you learned – but now you don’t remember the author’s name! “Oh I read it somewhere…” You now why? They were removed. When you are removed, when you’re not bringing it energetically, people can feel it and your message won’t impact them the way it could if you only were just a little bit brave. So what are you waiting for? Promise me you’ll take of the mask, and let us see you. If you do it, I’ll do it with you. It can’t be that hard. Just do it. PS. If you’re ready to up level your visibility and start sharing your message at scale, message me. I’m taking on a handful of new coaching clients – if you know one of those spots is yours, email me or message me on Facebook.
How To Maximize The Reach Of Your Facebook Livestreams And Get More Eyeballs On Your Content For FREE

Facebook Livestreams are all the rage these days… and for good reason too. Facebook is really pushing them – your friends and followers will get notified when you’re live, and even after the fact, that you *were* live! There’s something special about watching something that’s happening *right now* – people feel intrigued to join in and participate in the conversation. It’s a great way to build trust and engagement with your community – so I hope you’re taking advantage of this and use livestreams as part of your content marketing strategy! If you haven’t done a livestream yet – well, there’s no time like the present! 🙂 And if you’re already using livestreams, here are a couple of tips to get EVEN MORE EYEBALLS ON YOUR CONTENT, FOR FREE. Step One: Do a longer livestream – about 15-20 minutes, maybe even longer if you can. Share it from your business page to your personal profile while you’re live to get as many people on as possible. Step Two: Download the replay of your livestream and cut it up into smaller chunks (60 seconds or less). Ideally, you’d have them edited. For example, add on subtitles (most people watch videos in their newsfeed with the sound off!) and a call to action at the end. Step Three: Publish the short snippets on other platforms – IG, Twitter, your personal Fb profile, etc. etc and direct your followers on those platforms to your Fb business page to watch the full video. Step Four: Re-broadcast one of your snippets on a loop using Fb LIVE. Make it so it plays your snippet back to back 3-5 times before stopping the livestream. You’ll need an extra piece of software for this. I use OBS (Open Broadcaster Project) – it’s a great tool and it’s free. You can do all kinds of fancy stuff to brand it – add a custom background, your logo, breaking news style news ticker running across the screen, and more. Step Five: Share the livestream playing your looped snippets from your business page onto your personal profile. VOILA – you just got multiple times the audience on your content! PS. If you’d like to get more visibility and more media, I am taking on a few select coaching clients. If this speaks to you and you’re ready to gear up your visibility, email me or message me on Facebook.
How To Get Psychological Buy-In BEFORE You Pitch Yourself To The Media

Wanna know how I get most of my pitches for podcasts and media outlets accepted by people I’m about to work with for the first time? I introduce the idea of sending guest recommendations (or, when the pitch is for me, topic recommendations for an interview) through a casual by the way type conversation. It might be a phone call or a Facebook chat or something in person – I ask Qs about THEM, what they’re looking to do, what their goals are, what they’re missing and what they could use help with – and THEN I ask a bit about their show. I find out about ideally what types of guests and topics they’d like to include and then I casually mention that I may have a couple of great recommendations for them and happy to send it their way if they’d like. They ALWAYS SAY YES. Now. I send them an email – and now this email is considered a FOLLOW UP on our conversation. So I say something like this: It was so nice to chat with you earlier! 🙂 [Be specific and reference something here about what you talked about and how it impacted you.] And here’s the MAGIC PHRASE: *As promised*, here are a couple of great guest recommendations for your show: name, name, name. Boom. See what I did there? I set it up so it’s something they already subconsciously said yes to, and now we’re just following through and getting the topics and the logistics sorted. If you’re pitching yourself, you can do the exact same thing. The only difference is, instead of guest recommendations, you’ll say TOPIC IDEAS and give them a couple of bullet points (well written headlines that their audience would resonate with), instead of names of guests you’re recommending for their show. PS. If you’d like to learn more about this process and get your own pitches dialed in, I am taking on a couple of coaching clients to do just that. If this feels like it’s you, email me or message me on Facebook.
Get over yourself, Babes… It’s your time to shine

To be in the public eye all the time is not fun. There are expectations. And rules. And you have to behave a certain way and be a certain kind of person… At least, that’s how I felt for the longest time and so I AVOIDED being seen as much as possible. I’d tell myself, I like my privacy. And the truth is, I really do. I’m an introvert to the max. A hermit. I literally live in the desert and I only see people in person when I decide I want to. But then three years ago, I made a decision to do *some* publicity, mostly with the idea of getting new coaching clients. Well, I managed to get myself on one of the top podcasts in the world right away and the outcome wasn’t at all what I expected… I found it was the catalyst for developing a new FRIENDSHIP with one of the top influencers in the space – someone I collaborated with on many different things since then. But back to being uncomfortable about being public, and avoiding being seen – it’s kind of crazy, especially in my line of work. Former actor, now building a personal brand… And yet, trying to hide. I know you can hear me… I know you might be in the same boat too. You’re an entrepreneur with a meaningful message and you need to get it out there. But if you are ambivalent about actually sharing your message at scale – how on Earth is it ever going to happen? You’ll be self sabotaging yourself at every turn. (Ask me how I know..) Here’s the thing. You just have to GET OVER YOURSELF, Babes. You have to MAKE A DECISION that you’re no longer hiding, that what you have to say is important, that people need to hear it – otherwise, how are things going to change? You were born to make a difference, to build a business that has an IMPACT, to become INFLUENTIAL – and you can’t do it half assed. *Kind of trying* is not good enough. Think about it – if you don’t do it, who will? Are you gonna let someone else share the essence of YOUR MESSAGE and do a crappy job, while you’re watching them, secretly criticizing them and maybe even feel jealous at time? Are you going to let YOUR TRIBE be guided by someone else, who – let’s just be honest, can’t do it half as good as you? Are you a leader of a follower? That’s what I thought… 🙂 It’s time to get over yourself babes. It’s time to step up and, as Jay Abraham called me out on it a couple of years ago – GET YOUR BUTT OUT THERE. Deal? Deal. 🙂 PS. If you know this is you, if you know you need more publicity and better, higher level connections, message me. I am taking on a couple of new clients -if you know it’s your time to shine, email me or message me on Facebook.
How To Create Endless Story Ideas And Pitch Angles For The Media
Linking when pitching the media… Sometimes it’s so hard to come up with a new thing that would allow you to continue the follow up process without being annoying when pitching a new media contact, or even when pitching an established media contact with a new story idea. But what if you had a resource that let you basically create endless story ideas and pitch angles by simply linking it to something that’s happening soon? The key thing to understand that it’s not about you. Not even when you’re building a personal brand. It’s about what that audience would find interesting, valuable or fascinating. And that’s where linking comes in. You can link to so many things… Upcoming holidays. Local events. Celebrity stories. Stuff that’s happening in the news. And sure, lots of media savvy entrepreneurs know and use this stuff – but there’s always room for more, and there’s room for you, IF you do it in a way that’ll make YOUR MESSAGE STAND OUT. For example, one of the most powerful strategies for pitching yourself to the media is being current when linking to an upcoming holiday. And I’m not just talking about Christmas, and Valentine’s Day, and the like. I’m talking about LESSER KNOWN HOLIDAYS. Yes, it’s counterintuitive but just trust me on this. Look at the “weird” official holidays and see how you can loosely relate it to your expertise or an aspect of your brand and what you stand for. For example, today is Positive Thinking Day. (Seriously, I’m not making this up.) What angles and pitches and helpful tips could you craft that relate to positive thinking or motivation and that also allows you / your product to be featured? Use this as a brainstorming exercise b/c I’m sure you can come up with at least five ideas… And then, as a next step, look ahead in your weird holidays calendar and prepare pitches AHEAD OF TIME so that you target the appropriate media outlets at least 2-4 weeks before the actual holiday. Then, start pitching yourself accordingly. That way, you’ll always have new stories and media opportunities lined up. PS. If you’d like help with this, I’m taking on a handful of new clients for coaching and done for you publicity services. If you’d like to learn more, email me at [email protected].
Andrew Lermsider on How To Increase Your Website Conversions for Higher Profits
Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 176 & 177) To listen to Andrew’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Andrew’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talk with Andrew about: How he built a highly profitable business in a market that is literally on food stamps How to build a landing page that converts The number one thing you must test in your email marketing The best tools for split testing How to do split testing correctly The truth about bounce rates How long you have exactly to intrigue your site’s visitors so they don’t leave immediately after
Tyler Collins Shares his SEO Strategies

Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 174 & 175)
Geoff Ronning on Webinars that Convert
Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 172 & 173) To listen to Geoff’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Geoff’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talk with Geoff about: How to keep your webinar quality and results consistent How to build a team that delivers outstanding customer service How to do outsourcing the right way How to keep the energy of a live webinar when you
Los Silva on Marketing StartUps and Creating Rapport with Your Community, Jungle Style
Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 170 & 171) To listen to Los’ interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Los’ interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talk with Los about: The signs that show it’s time to scale up your marketing How to find out who your buyers are Giving your best content away for free vs offering a tripwire How to price your initial offer How to nurture the relationship with people on your
Brett Campbell Shares The FaceBook Marketing Strategies That Allowed Fiit Chicks To Become the Market Leader in Australia
Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 168 & 169) To listen to Brett’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Brett’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talk with Brett about: How he built his fan base to over 185,000 people on FaceBook What the Internet marketing gurus don’t tell you about online product launches How he used FaceBook offers to generate 12,000 leads literally overnight The strategy you must employ to generate leads successfully from