Ian Brodie on Persuasion via Email and the Psychology of Conversion
Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 164 & 165) To listen to Ian’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Ian’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talk with Ian about: The practical differences between marketing and advertising for small businesses vs large companies How to get your value across even if you’re introverted or shy How to differentiate between strategies that don’t suit you vs being lazy The differences between selling and marketing the intangible vs the tangible How to offer a “test drive” to demonstrate your skills when selling a service without doing free coaching sessions The intangible elements of the sales conversation and how to go beyond talking about the deliverables Follow up marketing and how to build confidence in your
Steve Toth Shares his SEO and Content Marketing Secrets
Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 142 & 143) To listen to Steve’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Steve’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Steve about: What changed in SEO in the last ten years Why SEO today is more expensive than it used to be How to use content marketing to create credibility How to distribute content on yoursite for best results in SEO How to create an effective
John Jantsch on Selling and Marketing Duct Tape Style
Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 140 & 141) To listen to John’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of John’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with John about: How your clients see your business How to clarify your USP How this architectural firm went against conventional wisdom to really succeed How to get real, genuine feedback from your customers What you should delegate to an outside PR or marketing firm What questions to ask from your
Brad Costanzo on the Hidden Possibilities for Profits in Content Marketing
Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 132 & 133) To listen to Brad’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Brad’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Brad about: How to use books for lead generation How to get more reviews for your book How to get clients from Amazon What you must include on the first page of your book for lead generation How to triple the Life Time Value
Clint Arthur on Getting TV Appearances to Create Celebrity for Your Brand
Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 126 & 127) To listen to Clint’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Clint’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Clint about: How he found what’s unique about his product – and it’s butter! How he sold his product to 5-diamond resorts What did the shaman say that turned his career around How he turned his non-selling book to a bestseller Why you *must* have more
Adil Amarsi’s Secret Lab Recipes – All About Copywriting for Sales Conversion
Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 116 & 117) To listen to Adil’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Adil’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Adil about: How QVC helped him with his career as a copywriter How to get conversions over 90% of the time! The difference between sales copy online and in direct mail His copywriting formula What blind sales copy is What “showing your hand” means in
Craig Eubanks on All Things Psychology, Copywriting and Email Marketing
Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 110 & 111) To listen to Craig’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Craig’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Craig about: The two most powerful elements you need to have in your copywriting why movies are so good at hooking you emotionally What Star Wars can teach you about effective marketing How karate can help you with your marketing The secrets to writing killer subject lines that get your emails
Peggy McColl Tells Her Bestseller Insider Secrets
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episode 96 & 97) To listen to Peggy’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Peggy’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Peggy about: The three things you must have in place to write a bestselling book How long it takes to write a quality piece When you should start marketing your book during the writing process What are sales figures for bestsellers of your book Amazon’s book bestseller category system Barnes & Noble vs Amazon in terms of competition when launching a new book How the New York Times bestseller book list criteria is calculated What it really means when you are a
Jeff Moore on Dealing with Large Corporations
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episodes 92) To listen to Jeff’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch a little bit of Jeff’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talked with Jeff about: What it takes to be dealing with giants when you’re mid-size business What payment terms you need to consider when fulfilling large orders The biggest misconception about getting a multi-billion dollar company to buy your
Kelsey Meyer Talks Influence & Co
(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episodes 82 & 83) To listen to Kelsey’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE. To watch Kelsey’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE (coming soon). In this interview, we talked with Kelsey about: What publications you should be published in to really expertise your influence and expertise A case study on how they established a fortune 500 exec as an expert What you should include in your articles and interviews in addition to