(Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, Episodes 36 & 37)
To listen to Dan’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.
In this interview, we talked with Dan about:
- How to use LinkedIn groups to position yourself as an expert
- How to name your LinkedIn group the right way to optimize your lead gen and networking success
- How to capture leads from LinkedIn even if you’re not allowed to promote in a group
- What mindset we need to be able to directly reach out to prospects on LinkedIn
- How to optimize your LinkedIn profile as a business owner
- Make your LinkedIn profile rich with multimedia to generate more interest
- How to systematize your use of LinkedIn so you’re not overwhelmed keeping up with the 50 groups you joined
- How to incorporate LinkedIn in our marketing strategy
- The case study of a realtor that sold 24 houses from one customer she met on LinkedIn
- The LinkedIn strategy to grow your network by leaps and bounds
- How to avoid being labeled as as spammer when contacting people you don’t know on LinkedIn
Book recommendations from Dan Sherman (affiliate*):
- Maximum Success with LinkedIn
(Dan Sherman)
Dan Sherman’s Bio:
“I am the McGraw Hill author of Maximum Success with LinkedIn – a guide to the world’s largest professional networking site.The book combines my seven years’ experience on the site with over 20 years as a marketing executive.What makes my book is unique is that as a former marketing executive I focus on how people can use LinkedIn to do marketing: of themselves, their ideas, and their personal brand.I show readers how to achieve results fast.”
To learn more about Dan, go to: http:/linkedsuccess.com