Danny Iny on How to Build and Monetize Your Audience from Scratch

danny iny born to influence

In this interview, we talk with Danny about: How to build an audience from scratch How to get guest blogging opportunities How to get your first 2,000 subscribers to your list How to choose the right blogs to get started with your contributions How long does it take to build up your core following How to craft the perfect email pitch to get guest blogging spots on big sites How to build an audience without writing blog articles How to monetize your audience building efforts How to make sure your course will sell How to be a great teacher Tweetable: “You don’t ever want to be in a position where you have to convince yourself that working with you is worth it”  Click To Tweet Danny’s Bio: “Audience engagement expert Danny Iny has been an entrepreneur for longer than his entire adult life. He quit school when he was fifteen to start his first business, and has been doing it ever since. Along the way he ran the Montreal Marathon, got an MBA, and married the most wonderful woman in the world. He’s also worked with companies of all sizes, from the very huge (Nokia, Google) to small businesses and entrepreneurs who are just getting started. These days, he is a prolific blogger and marketing educator at Firepole Marketing. He’s excited to be the co-author – with Guy Kawasaki, Brian Clark, Mitch Joel, and a lot of other people you’d probably recognize – of a book called Engagement from Scratch! How super-community builders create a loyal audience, and how you can do the same! Most recently, Danny released the free Naked Marketing Manifesto, and is currently working on turning it into a full-fledged book. Danny is a super-friendly guy who makes a point of responding to emails and messages within 24 hours. Follow him on Twitter @DannyIny or email him at [email protected].“ To learn more about Danny Iny, go to: http://firepolemarketing.com or connect with him on FaceBook.

Madelleine Avon _ Mette Muller Says Goodbye to Born To Influence

In this interview, we talk with Madelleine about: Why she changed her name The ultimate re-branding experience: legally changing your name How to clean up your list when rebranding How to attract the right kind of clients How to get back to the creative flow in your business How to get past the feeling of burnout in your work The science of genius creativity and how to access it How to find and access your genius within The questions to ask so that you can take personal responsibility to the extreme to get your breakthrough How to maintain your income while making a fundamental shift in your business To learn more about Madelleine Avon, go to:  www.consciouscontent.dk or connect with her on FaceBook.

Dino Dogan on Growing Your Tribe and Connecting with Influencers Online

dino dogan born to influence

In this interview, we talk with Dino about: How to grow your Tribe How to find the right people to connect with online How to find content to curate on your social platforms How the trust factor differs across social networks Why encouraging comments on your blog posts is not always the best course of action – and what you should do instead How to connect with influential people How to get your audience to share your content Tweetable: “Start measuring success in the amount of stuff you’ve given rather than the amount of stuff you’ve gotten”  Click To Tweet Dino’s Bio: “Dino Dogan is a professional speaker with a real job as the Founder and CEO of Triberr, the social network for content creators that sends millions of monthly visitors to its members. Dino is a high-energy speaker who blends original research in customer loyalty with a delivery of a stand-up comedian. He is the creator of Insane Loyalty, an original framework which reveals that brands and cults use the same techniques to recruit their most loyal fanatics. Dino has been the subject of stories pertaining to business and technology in publications such as Venture Beat, Forbes, Yahoo!News, Al Jazeera, and BizJournal. His startup has been featured on thousands of blogs, including The Next Web, Yahoo, Technorati, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and INC. Dino has spoken or consulted for a variety of companies and audiences, including IBM, Rutgers University, Vocus, New Media Expo, 140conf, and many others. A prolific content creator himself, Dino has been referred to as a “raconteur and champion of bloggers everywhere,” by writer Rosemary O’Neill. Frequently featured as an expert commentator on new technologies and the latest social media developments on sites like ReadWriteWeb, Dino is also the co-author of the book Engagement From Scratch along with Guy Kawasaki, Mitch Joel, and other notable authors and community builders. His blog has been profiled by Technorati on multiple occasions and offers an insider’s view into his social networking expertise. A recovering network engineer and a failed musician, Dino spends his free time doing Mixed Martial Arts, and walking his german shepherd named Dojo.“ To learn more about Dino Dogan, go to: http://dinodogan.com or connect with him on FaceBook.

Andrew Lermsider on How To Increase Your Website Conversions for Higher Profits

Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 176 & 177)  To listen to Andrew’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.  To watch a little bit of Andrew’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon) In this interview, we talk with Andrew about: How he built a highly profitable business in a market that is literally on food stamps How to build a landing page that converts The number one thing you must test in your email marketing The best tools for split testing How to do split testing correctly The truth about bounce rates How long you have exactly to intrigue your site’s visitors so they don’t leave immediately after