Clint Arthur on Getting TV Appearances to Create Celebrity for Your Brand

Born To Influence: The Marketing Show (Episodes 126 & 127)

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iTunes logo blue 20 by 20 pixels To listen to Clint’s interview on the Born To Influence PODCAST, click HERE.

YouTube logo RED 20 by 20 pixels To watch a little bit of Clint’s interview on VIDEO, click HERE. (coming soon)

In this interview, we talked with Clint about:

  • How he found what’s unique about his product – and it’s butter!
  • How he sold his product to 5-diamond resorts
  • What did the shaman say that turned his career around
  • How he turned his non-selling book to a bestseller
  • Why you *must* have more energy on video
  • How to get booked on TV
  • How to do PR yourself the right way
  • The mistakes he made on his first TV appearance
  • How to do TV right
  • What to avoid when going on TV
  • How to use TV appearances in your marketing
  • How he used TV appearances to get new clients while on the road
  • What TV producers are looking for
  • The problem when getting booked through a publicist
  • How to make it easy for the producer to book you on their TV news segment
  • How to create a TV segment proposal
  • How he prepared to get on the Today Show
  • What it takes to be on TV all the time
  • How to create a hook that will get you booked on TV
  • How to create a great demonstration for your TV booking
  • The two things you need for effective marketing

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Clint’s Bio:

“Clint Arthur is the reigning GKIC Info-Marketer of The Year, and the world’s top expert on how to use Local ABC, NBC, CBS & FOX TV news and talk show interviews to create celebrity for lawyers, doctors, dentists, authors, speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs of any kind.

Clint and his students (he calls them “Magic Messengers”) have booked themselves on more than 939 News & Talk show interviews, and National appearances on Good Morning America, the TODAY Show, Al Dia, The Daily Buzz, Better, The Balancing Act, Iron Chef America, etc.

His famous personal transformation experiences and frequent TV appearances inspire millions of people to live larger, more intensely, and with more impact on the world.”

To learn more about Clint Arthur, go to: