Sales and Marketing Expert Perry Marshall On The 80/20 Rule, its Fractal Nature and All…

In this interview, we talked with Perry about: The “cultural shift” in marketing in the last 15 years How to use Google AdWords to test whteher even to manufacture a new product The 80/20 rule as it applies to PREDICTING your results in your marketing and sales forecasts How to use the fractal nature of the 80/20 rule to take your analysis to the next level How to use the “racking the shot gun” principle in your marketing to separate the most responsive section of your list How Starbucks uses the 80/20 rule to sell their $3,000 coffee maker WHY the 80/20 rule works Where the 80/20 doesn’t work How to use the 80/20 to eliminate the factors that hinder your growth How to eliminate most of your returns in your business Marketing DNA test <- find out what kind of seller you are What are the WRONG things marketers typically outsource (and what should they do instead) How to design your lead gen funnel so you eliminate the 80% that are not your buyers right off the bat Recommendations from Perry Marshall (affiliate*): 80/20 Sales and Marketing (Perry Marshall) Perry Marshall’s Bio: “Entrepreneur Magazine says, “Perry Marshall is the #1 author and world’s most-quoted consultant on Google Advertising. He has helped over 100,000 advertisers save literally billions of dollars in AdWords stupidity tax.” His Chicago company, Perry S. Marshall & Associates, consults both online and brick-and-mortar companies on generating sales leads, web traffic, and maximizing advertising results. At $2,000 per hour he’s one of the world’s most expensive and sought-after marketing consultants. His top coaching groups have waiting lists, and many clients have engaged his services continuously for 10 years and more. Prior to his consulting career, he helped grow a tech company from $200,000 to $4 million in sales in four years. The firm was sold to a public company in 2001 for $18 million. Like direct marketing pioneer Claude Hopkins, Perry has both an engineering degree and a love for persuasive copywriting. He’s taught hundreds of thousands of people how to apply the scientific method to advertising. He’s published thousands of articles on sales, marketing and technology, and his works include The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords (Entrepreneur Press, 3nd Edition 2012), the world’s most popular book on Google advertising, 80/20 Sales and Marketing (Entrepreneur Press, 2013) and The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising (Entrepreneur Press, 2011). He is also author of Industrial Ethernet (ISA, 2nd Edition). His work is referenced in dozens of influential marketing books by authors like Jay Conrad Levinson, Mark Joyner, Joel Comm, Howard Jacobson, Richard Stokes and John Jantsch. He’s been featured at conferences in the U.S., Canada, UK, Israel and Australia. He’s shared the stage with Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, Mari Smith, Harvey Mackay and Les Brown. He’s consulted in over 300 industries, from computer hardware and software to high-end consulting, from health & fitness to corporate finance. E-Commerce pioneer Mark Joyner dubbed him “The Grand Ayatollah of Google AdWords.” Direct Marketing maverick Dan Kennedy says, “If you don’t know who Perry Marshall is — unforgivable. Perry’s an honest man in a field rife with charlatans. His methods coupled with Google AdWords offer a fast and cheap testing ground for a lot of marketing messages. He’s a consummate player of this game, the smartest person I or any of my clients have ever found when it comes to Google AdWords – optimizing response for his clients, and teaching others how to do it for themselves.” Richard Koch, author of The 80/20 Principle says, “Perry Marshall has something original and extremely useful to say, because he has thought profoundly about the 80/20 Principle. He has come up with some original insights that are literally priceless.” To learn more about Perry, go to: